Dear Client/Supplier,

We take your privacy seriously and, when data is collected directly from you, it’s our duty to inform you – in accordance with art. 13, section 1 of the European Union DGRP — about fundamental aspects of the data processing, specifying them at section 1, letters a/f.

Our company is complying fully with the law by informing you that: Any personal data collected will be processed by:  

Data Collection Company FRATELLI MARTINELLI S.P.A. Address: San Marcello Piteglio (PT), VIA OCCHIALI, 316/B

                Certified email                 Email:

                Telephone: 057365025                                                 Fax: 0573658843

The personal data we collect will be used for the following purposes:

to carry out obligations determined by a contract to which you are party or, prior to the   contract,           to fulfil Your specific requests;
executing the legal obligations of a contract of which You are a part or, before the execution of the contract, to fulfil Your specific requests;
supplier management (organising suppliers; selection processes for our needs; stipulating and managing contracts/orders/deliveries/invoices)
fulfilling legal obligations and regulations and complying with community norms;
managing ordinary commercial relations (accounting, clients, invoicing);
managing disputes (breach of contract, claims, transactions, credit recovery, arbitration, litigation);

wherein the legal basis depends on the undersigned’s contractual or precontractual requirements and legal obligations;

The above data can only be ceded to the following: postal or other services charged with delivering correspondence; banks and credit institutions; credit recovery services; legal offices; insurance companies; companies providing maintenance and repair for computer devices; professional offices or associations that provide us with accounting and/or fiscal services, etc.;

In order to guarantee correct and transparent privacy we further inform you of:

The duration of conservation of personal data contained in the following kinds of databases:

− precontractual and contractual processing required to define potential clients‘ contracts or commercial bids — will be kept for a maximum of 10 years;

                −     legal obligation – will be kept for a maximum of 10 years;

                −      disputes management – will be kept for 10 years;

− potential clients/supplier (data of individuals or partnerships) regarding marketing or advertising goals – will be kept for 10 years;

Your right to ask us for access to or correction/elimination of your personal data as well as to limit or oppose the processing of the data and its portability.

You have the right to file claim to supervising authorities. The communication of your data is requisite to finalising any contract and is legally binding, therefore a refusal to provide data will result in the impossibility of fulfilling the contract.